The example I used earlier about going to a concert for one of my children is what I do in every situation that causes me anxiety. I always run through the entire situation from beginning to end using every "what if" scenario I can think of. I have been programmed to do this over many years.
So, just replacing negative statements with positive ones is a constant struggle for me. When I try to do that, I am saying one thing (something positive) and believing something else (something negative). Telling myself nothing is going to happen has no affect on me, because I just don't believe it.
I am supposed to take this to the next level, which is also difficult. When a situation occurs that I know will cause a lot of anxiety for me, I am supposed to write down key questions to diffuse the negativity.
- What is the evidence for this? (whatever "what if" I am thinking).
- Is this always true? (do my fears always come true).
- Has this been true in the past?
- What are the odds of this really happening?
- What is the very worst that could happen?
- Am I looking at the whole picture?
- Am I being fully objective?
Great questions on paper, although anxiety is so powerful for me, I only remember the "bad" things that happen. I never remember the good outcomes because I am so self absorbed in the anxiety.
What has helped, is to write down specific instances when nothing actually happens. The thoughts were just that... thoughts.
Until next time...
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