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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Anxiety Controlling Me

Most of the time I feel like my anxiety is controlling me instead of the other way around like it should be. What I say to myself... called "self-talk" is a very big factor in this.

Let's say I have to go to one of my children's choir concerts or gymnastics competitions... instead of saying to myself, I have to load the camera with film, I should leave early to get a good seat, etc...

I say to myself, I have to walk out to the car and I will trip and everyone will see it, I will get stuck at the 4 way stop and look foolish not knowing when to go, I will park in the wrong place once I get there, I will go in the wrong door and feel stupid, I will sit in a seat that is already taken, etc...

This thinking has "nothing" to do with the event itself. It is a thought process I go through knowing I have to go someplace that is going to cause anxiety. But the "someplace" isn't causing my anxiety, my thought process is.

There are effective ways to turn this thinking around if it is just practiced.

Until next time...


  1. Meditation (many different kinds) even an exercise like yoga or Pilates can help teach your mind to 'listen' to focus.

    Nutrition also plays a role in how neurotransmitters work or dysfunction And in some cases, addressing issues such as insulin resistance can be helpful.

  2. Thank you for your comments!!! I am certain that exercise helps, and I have heard about the nutrition, so I will be researching that more!


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