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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Social Phobia - Setting Goals

As I stated before, anxiety can stem from many things. You must find the root of your anxiety. For me, it goes hand in hand with Social Phobia, or Social Anxiety. I must admit, I've needed help, and through many counselors and therapists, I have learned a lot.

One thing I have learned is you need to set specific goals. You can't just say, “I want to be rid of my anxiety or social anxiety.” You have to be more specific.

Here's some examples of what I mean.

Ask yourself:

  • What type of social situation do you want to stop avoiding?
  • How do you want to feel in that situation?

Your answers might be:

  • I want to go to the movies and be relaxed.
  • I want to eat at a restaurant feeling comfortable.
  • Start small! Pick a goal you want to accomplish and write it down. Include the situation and how you want to feel during that situation.
  • Set a time or a date for that goal, but be realistic. My first goal was to make it out to the mailbox relaxed. I mean, start small!

Once we choose a specific goal and write it down, set a time or date for that goal, we will next focus on our objectives.

Until next time...


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