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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Social Anxiety - My Avoidance

Social Phobia is the least understood, but more frustrating, it is the least accepted issue by professionals and non-professionals alike.

Without going into too much detail, because no one wants to hear other people's problems, I'll try to explain my frustration.

I got a phone call from my doctor this morning with more “great” news. It is not a matter of life and death, nor is it serious enough to warrant medication. She does, however, want me to see someone; a dietitian.

My doctor is well aware of my anxiety and panic attacks, yet when I asked a few simple questions (like where is this place located?), she treated me like a 2 year old. (My perception).

My anxiety was already high because I had to answer the phone. It intensified when I learned it was my doctor's office. It further elevated when I was told my tests didn't come back all that great. So by the time I was told I would have to go see a dietitian, I was maxed out.

So, what happens? I re-live the phone conversation over and over, until... major depression sets in.

Reality Check...

In reality, I wasn't upset that my doctor was unsympathetic to my “situation.” It is just that my anxiety got so out of control, I had to escape. I used her “lack of understanding” to make my escape.

I escaped through anger. My anger over being like this. My anger over feeling this way. My anger over feeling like a big baby. My anger over not being “normal” and doing “normal” things.

I have always taught my kids, that there's never a problem, only a solution. So, I need to find a solution.

I will take the 30 minute drive before my appointment and find this place, so I will at least know where I am going before the actual appointment. I will do research online to learn the “lingo” of the subject to be discussed. I will write my questions down ahead of time, so I don't have too many thoughts running through my head.

If you have social phobia, and a situation like this comes up, look past the “problem.” Find a solution. Any solution that works for you, and don't give up. I'm not saying that it is easy... not by a long shot.

Until next time...


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