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Monday, January 01, 2007

Social Anxiety and Resolutions

I want to wish everyone a happy and successful New Year! So, what could a post about Social Anxiety and Resolutions have in common? Maybe nothing.

I don't necessarily make resolutions, but I do look back on the year and ask myself what I want to change or work on for different aspects of my life.

The one thing that stands out most of all, and you may be experiencing this in your life, is that I have people in my life who may not think too highly of themselves, so they feel the need to belittle me and everyone else. These people end up in our lives because we care too much about others' rather than ourselves.

We need to stop and think about that for a minute. We need to start putting ourselves and our feelings first. No one knows what is going on in our lives, nor may it be any of their business, so the things they say to us may be hurtful.

I will give you an example. From my previous post, you read that I had to put my dog down after having her for 15 wonderful years. She was my baby; she was a huge part of my life.

On top of that, I only sleep 3 to 4 hours each night. So, the stress level is extremely high. When people say things that maybe are disrespectful or just plain hurtful, I go off. Politely, but I still go off. So, I've had people tell me to just get over it. I've had people tell me that I'm too touchy, and one even used the term "hair trigger."

No matter what you are going through, you still need to demand respect. You need to either stand up for yourself, or distance yourself from these people. You don't have to be rude, but you need to let these people know that you are not happy with what they said and why.

The other thing that stands out is that I can easily be used by people. Because I am so caring, there are people in my life that feel the need to take advantage of that. They tell me everything I want to hear, whether they mean it or not. I have found out that most people don't mean what they say... at least the people in my life.

So, for 2007 I will make changes in my life regarding the company I keep. I suggest you do the same if need be.

Until next time...


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