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Monday, February 25, 2008

Motivation Is Critical For Someone With Social Anxiety

Why is motivation critical for someone with social anxiety? It takes a lot of motivation to recover from anything, but it is critical for someone recovering from social anxiety because we are always fighting against negative thoughts. Negative thoughts will bring us down fast and keep us there if we don't recognize and change them.

Some people call it procrastination, some call it laziness, others call it just having excuses. However, someone with social anxiety is constantly battling negative thoughts such as "what if...?" and these are the thoughts that will put a corkscrew in any motivation one might have.

Another reason motivation is critical for someone with social anxiety, is the thought of recovering is a very scary thing. The unknown is scary anyway, now throw in the fact that someone has social anxiety and is "scared" all the time anyway.

To recover from social anxiety is to do things that causes fear. The more someone with social anxiety practices doing things that puts them out of their comfort zone, the more likely they will be to succeed. But, again, the very thing that will help in the recovery, is the exact thing that keeps us where we are at... fear.

No one can force another to change. No one can force another to want to get better. This all has to come from within, and the one thing that will help is motivation. That is why motivation is critical for someone with social anxiety.

There are several great resources available that helps with motivation, but you have to want to change; you have to want to beat social anxiety. If you are ready to commit to a better life, I have listed a few resources below. Good luck in your venture.


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