The obvious anxiety trigger is caffeine. We all know we shouldn't take in too much caffeine. The problem comes in when we overlook caffeine products. Coffee is obvious, yes, and so is tea, chocolate, pop, and energy drinks.
But, did you know that some over the counter medicines also have caffeine? 1 NoDoz Maximum Strength tablet has 200mg of caffeine! Vivarin, Extra Strength Excedrin, and Maximum Strength Anacin also has caffeine.
If you need to cut back on your caffeine intake, do it slowly! There's nothing worse than a caffeine withdrawal headache!
Other anxiety triggers often overlooked besides what you eat is how you eat. Do you skip meals? Are you on a small caloric diet? Erratic eating causes chaos with your blood sugar levels. This can affect your moods and cause anxiety symptoms.
How much sleep do you get every night? If you don't get enough sleep, this too can cause anxiety symptoms like feeling jittery. How about exercise? It has been proven that exercise can fight stress. You don't have to go to the gym, but what about going for a walk or a jog? Check with your doctor before starting any exercise program, though.
So, pay closer attention to your daily schedule. Do you have anxiety triggers you are overlooking? Even if you can make just one change toward a healthier lifestyle, you can lower your anxiety level.
The Food-Mood Solution
The Thrive Diet: The Whole Food Way To Reduce Stress
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Conquering Depression and Anxiety Through Exercise
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