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Friday, May 19, 2006

Social Anxiety - Exposure

I have been talking about exposure - which is facing our fears.

So how are you doing? Were you able to use the imagery way of facing your fears? Or were you able to jump right in to a live situation? Either way, it is extremely important to begin this major step in overcoming social anxiety.

Sometimes, an opportunity to practice will just come out of the blue. That is what happened to me yesterday.

One of my fears is talking on the telephone. Whether it is answering it or actually making a phone call. Yesterday, I accomplished both several times.

With a quick glance at my coping skills card, I thought, “Now or never.” At the end of each phone call I started to do my usual critique of everything that was said. However, I also followed up with a positive statement for every negative thought I had.

It works. Trust me, it is and was uncomfortable, but practice makes perfect. Not perfect as in you will never say or do anything that will cause anxiety. Perfect as in handling your fears and anxiety.

So if an opportunity to face your fears happens, go for it. Experience it. That is the only way to learn to handle anxiety causing events.

We are not going to run away any longer. It is time to get our life back.

Until next time...


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