Once you have mastered your fear using the imagery process from the previous post, you are now ready to do it live! Do not move onto this step until you have mastered the imagination process. Just come back here when you are ready.
Taking the same situation that you used for the imagination process, perform it in real life. If you skipped the imagination process and are just jumping into the live process, remember to use the lowest causing anxiety situation.
Apply all the techniques, skills, and resources you have to accomplish this process. For example:
- Breathing
- Coping Skills – possibly on your index cards
- Positive thoughts
- Safe person when possible
Carry out your task. Whether it is going for a walk, shopping, go on a date, a job interview, or whatever you have come up with.
Your anxiety level will rise, but again, it needs to. You must learn that you can get through it. However, if your anxiety reaches a point that you feel is out of control, it is okay to leave the situation. Just don't make this a habit.
Should this happen, go back over all of your notes for goal setting, changing negative self-talk, breathing techniques, or any coping skill you have learned.
Don't forget the resources page of this blog. There are some great tools that have helped me along the way.
Just remember to go at your own pace. Jumping in too quickly without fully practicing coping skills is not a good practice. However, never getting started won't accomplish anything, either.
Until next time...
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